Women in finance
How to feel confident and make smart decisions about your money
"Women are worth it" is a genuine benevolent universe in which we can simply talk about finance without mystery and without complex. In here, the human side is at the center of all our attention, not the money.
Women are particularly elusive when it comes to finance. But did you know that women are more likely to be successful at investing than men? |
Or did you know that 40% of new businesses are nowadays created by women, and yet a vast majority do not take care of their finances?
In this universe, my wish is to demystify finance for all and guide you, whatever your assets, towards useful, understandable and sustainable investments in order to achieve the financial security and serenity that will make you truly independent and free. |
Just listen to your intervention on the first channel... May your literary contribution help other women to gain self-confidence, independence and power by learning to master one of the keystones of personal, corporate and philanthropic freedom: finances... |
Congratulations dear Sarah, your interview is very thorough, full of common sense. You are very comfortable in a classic subject that you have revisited with a lot of innovation and militant commitment. |
Thank you, all the workshops and our exchanges have changed my vision of finance, I am very grateful. You're doing an incredible thing Sarah, you're helping many women in a concrete way! |